Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why I Started My Blog

Dear You, 

Hello to everyone and anyone that has found themselves on my blog and is wondering, "What even is this?" Well, I'm honestly wondering the same thing.

I am not a very vocal person about my feelings or beliefs, but that doesn't mean I have nothing to say. Quite recently, I have become closed-off and accumulated an "I'm fine" mantra as a security blanket to hide under instead of standing up and embracing what I am going through at the moment. Not only do I want to embrace it, but I want to share it. 

With my blog, I am hoping to find my voice again. Writing has always been a safe haven for me, a way for me to use my voice in the most authentic and raw way I knew fit. Since I was little, English class has been a big inspiration for the spark of interest I have in writing and literature in general. It is a form of art that is one of the most creative, because every beholder must create. YOU, the reader, create the picture, the masterpiece. Nobody can judge you. Sometimes, the simplest descriptions allow you to create your own imagined world with far more detail and emotional involvement.

For a few years now, I have become lost in my life and kind of lost sight of who I am and what I want. It's a scary feeling to be uncomfortable and foreign in your own skin. It's almost like not being able to find home or any type of comfortability. 

With that being said, I guess I am starting my blog in search of my happiness again, in a way. All in the same breath, I am hoping to spread a little happiness to readers with my blogs. I want to share memories, stories, feelings, beliefs, opinions, advice. The ugly, the bad, the amazing, the beautiful. I would like to share it all, because I am finally tired of keeping it all in. 

I hope this journey awakens something in you as well. And if it doesn't, well I hope you have a good time along the way and are able to take some light from it.

Why I Started My Blog

Dear You,  Hello to everyone and anyone that has found themselves on my blog and is wondering, "What even is this?" Well, I'm ...